About Us

About WHS Theater

The Westview High School Theatre program originated in the fall of 1994. Westview was the fourth high school to be built in the Beaverton School District, and we are now one of the largest high schools in Oregon. In developing our theatre department, we wanted our program to be different, innovative and provocative while still encompassing many of the traditional elements that have been so successful in the Beaverton School District.

We’ve worked to establish many traditions and a particular “culture” in our theatre program. Because our school is so large, it became obvious that our season would have to include many opportunities so more students could participate. Our season is produced almost entirely extra-curricularly.

Along with our school activities, Westview high school has an extremely active Thespian troupe. Our charter was granted our first year and we have been inducting an average of 25 Thespians each year. Oregon Thespians are very active. The Oregon Thespians sponsor three different events throughout the year. We always attend each event–the Improvisation Festival, the Regional Acting Competition and the State Thespian Conference.

Our program is well respected in our school and surrounding community. We have worked hard to develop a reputation of excellence.

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